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Detoxification By Claire Brooks ~ Naturopathic Nutritionist

Detoxification By Claire Brooks ~ Naturopathic Nutritionist

Detoxification By Claire Brooks ~ Naturopathic Nutritionist

In terms of natural medicine, detoxification involves the systematic activation and clearing of the body’s channels of elimination, therefore the accumulated metabolic wastes and acquired pollutants can be effectively neutralized and discharged.

In simple terms, our bodies are amazing organic healing and detoxing machines, we just need to support these systems with good lifestyle and dietary choices. Certain minerals and vitamins will ensure our detox pathways are functioning optimally and by carrying out these gentle cleanses we further support our body's internal terrain to make us more robust.

The elimination channels are: the bowel, liver, kidneys, bladder, skin &
the mucous membranes, the lungs, and the lymphatic system. As a naturopathic practitioner, I will advise ways to support your body whilst undergoing cleansing.

Firstly, our health starts in our colon and therefore needs to be clear in order to allow toxins to be excreted efficiently, this will ensure that toxins from other organs do not go back into the bloodstream (Please see enema or herbal detox PDF).

Should you have constipation or bowel issues please inform your health practitioner, as a bowel cleanse may be advised, or an enema kit to ensure the broken-down toxins can be passed. Enemas are also very beneficial and a great way to support the liver during this elimination process, once water can be held in the colon for 10-15 minutes the introduction of coffee can be discussed with your practitioner. Coffee enemas enhance the liver detoxification pathways, increasing the enzymes by up to 400 times that of any supplement, enema kits are also available. We have noted below some other ways to support the body throughout your cleanse.

It is advised that bowel, kidney, and liver cleansing is carried out 2 to 4 times a year, preferably at the change of seasons: spring is a particularly good time to do a liver cleanse, especially if this is your first time.

You MUST ensure that you can have periods of rest throughout the cleanse and allow your body and mind to relax. Resting and digesting are key for optimal results and keeping stress levels low prior to and during carrying out a cleanse. It is a known fact that stress disrupts various bodily systems (nervous, endocrine, digestive) and puts extra pressure on bodily functions, so please ensure you are realistic with the time constraints of this process and factor in some relaxation and lymphatic support DAILY.

Kidney & Liver Cleanse

Kidney Cleanse – Lemon Juice and Apothecary Love Cayenne Tincture
The powerful combination of lemon juice and cayenne pepper for cleansing has been around for thousands of years, both packed with nutrients and immune-boosting properties here are some reasons why to carry this out at the change of each season.

Nutritious and Aids Digestion
Lemon juice flushes out unwanted materials and toxins from the body, while cayenne pepper stimulates the circulatory system by opening the capillaries and helps regulate blood sugar. Cayenne contains carotenoids which are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant in nature. The digestive qualities of lemon juice also contribute to relieving symptoms of indigestion in some cases, such as heartburn, belching, and bloating.

Detoxifies and Cleanses
Both cayenne and lemon have compounds required to support the liver detox pathways, phase I, and II, Cayenne tincture increases blood flow to the kidneys and lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials in part because they increase the rate of urination in the body, therefore toxins are released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy. The citric acid in lemons helps maximize enzyme function, which stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification.

Immune Boosting
Lemons are high in vitamin C which is great for fighting colds and flu, they are also high in potassium which stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure. Ascorbic acid found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, plus it enhances iron absorption, which plays a significant role in immune function.

Alkalizing – Balances pH
Being acidic prevents your body from healing itself and affects the way your body assimilates vitamins and minerals. Drinking lemon water regularly can help remove acidity in the body, including uric acid in the joints, which is one of the primary causes of pain and inflammation.

Skin Purifier
Both lemon and cayenne are high in antioxidants which combat free radical damage and oxidative stress internally, both having a profound impact on our skin. Regular cleansing helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Vitamin C is vital for healthy skin that glows, while its alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne.

Boosts Mood and Energy Production
Lemons are one of the few foods that contain more negatively charged ions, providing your body with more energy when it enters the digestive tract. The scent of lemon also has mood-enhancing and energizing properties for this reason lemon can also help reduce anxiety and depression.

Appetite Regulator – Supporting Weight Loss
Cayenne studies show that capsicum suppresses the production of the
the hunger hormone ghrelin, whilst lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. The cayenne pepper increases the temperature of your body (thermogenesis) and kick-starts your metabolism, which also helps you lose weight over time

Note: Lemon juice can damage the enamel of your teeth therefore best drink with a straw and rinse your mouth with water before and then after you finish.

Please read the pretox and detox sheet to ensure you are well-informed and get the best results from this cleanse. For someone in good health, preparation time can be as short as 3-4 days prior to carrying out the cleanse, people with more compromised health may need a matter of weeks.

The Kidney Flush:
Juice or blend 2 lemons (One with skin one without) ensure they are unwaxed and organic. Carry this out first thing in the morning and add to a large tumbler of filtered warm water (at least half a pint), then add 10 drops of the cayenne pepper tincture and drink. Leave half an hour before eating anything. Do this for five to ten consecutive mornings.

Dietary changes:
Continue on the anti-inflammatory diet, and ensure you eliminate red meat throughout the kidney phase.

The Liver Flush:
Your body is naturally cleansing first thing in the morning; therefore, the next stage should also be carried out upon waking. The Liver flush will service one of the main organs of detoxification in your body, leaving you feeling lighter and more energetic. In terms of Chinese medicine, the liver represents anger, and feelings of this emotion can arise when carrying out this cleanse. Journaling is advised to support you and help gain some understanding of your body and what you are experiencing. Ensure You don't go straight into the liver flush: perform the kidney flush first to energetically open the channels.

Dietary Changes:
For best results please continue the anti-inflammatory diet, however
reduce your fat consumption by half of what it would generally be.

Take the juice of one lemon and one lime, half a pint of fresh-pressed apple juice, 1 clove of crushed garlic, a small piece of freshly grated ginger, 1 tablespoon virgin cold-pressed olive oil (this amount could vary, if you have trouble with fat metabolism reduce to 1 teaspoon), and 10 drops of cayenne tincture. Blend in a liquidizer and drink. Then place 1 heaped dessert spoon of Herbal Detox Tea in a pan with a pint of water and bring to a boil and simmer with the lid on for 15 minutes. Strain off the liquid, replace the herbs in the pan with more water and repeat. This gives approximately 1 pint of hot herbal tea, which you should be sipping slowly for the next 30 minutes. DO NOT EAT ANYTHING FOR 2 HOURS after you start this routine, then preferably eat something light–fruit is ideal, stewed in the winter, raw in the summer.

NB: if you are in a hurry to go out and cannot do the detox decoction, try Nettle And or dandelion tea bags instead, but do not drink tea until about 20 minutes have elapsed since the garlic and lemon juice drink. Perform the
liver flush for 5 to 10 days in a row.

Great Foods for the Liver & Gallbladder

Globe artichoke
juiced and cooked Berries
Black cherries
Radishes if fresh
Sesame & sunflower seeds
Turmeric–avoid with sensitive

Liver Nasties
Alcohol, Animal fat & hydrogenated vegetable fats/trans fats Chocolate, Coffee, Fried foods (use good fats cold e.g. olive oil, coconut oil instead), Oranges, Peanuts, Sugar.

Gallbladder Nasties
Eggs (moderate intake of organic eggs is ok, Cow’s milk, Coffee, Pork, Saturated Fat. The worst of all foods for the liver are combinations of sugar and fats e.g.cakes, biscuits, and doughnuts.

Lymphatic Support

What is it? Our immune and lymphatic systems work synergistically building and repairing our bodies whilst ridding each cell of its waste, cells eat and excrete just as we do, only on a much smaller scale. Our blood carries the nutrition and fuels to the cells, and your lymphatic system removes the by-products and wastes caused by metabolizing these nutrients and fuels. The lymph system consists of the lymph fluid, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, and the thymus gland.

Why do it? There is no harm in supporting the lymph all year round, however, this is a real necessity in the height of winter. In the winter months, the lymphatic system is sluggish and needs extra support as unlike the heart the lymph does not have a pump to push the fluid around the body. That’s where we come in. A conscious effort is needed to transport the goods and excrete the rubbish and below are some ways you can do just that! Bear in mind these need to be included in your daily habits and I guarantee you will FEEL the benefits!

Ways to Support the lymphatic system:

The first and most important rule for successful detoxification is to be sure to drink enough clean water–filtered or distilled (and re mineralized) is best.

Please consume around 2.5 liters a day–if you are exercising or using the sauna please consume 1 liter more.2.Hydrotherapy–Exposure to both hot and cold also stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding the body to expel toxins.

Exposure to both hot and cold also stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding the body to expel toxins.Directions:-When taking a shower use the power of hot and cold water to move blood and lymph effectively. Go as hot as you can stand for 30–60 seconds,
then turn to cold for another 30–60 seconds. Do up to 7 repetitions each way and try to push the limits each time in terms
of temperature. You can end on either hot or cold, as you wish.

When taking a shower use the power of hot and cold water to move blood and lymph effectively. Go as hot as you can stand for 30–60 seconds, then turn to cold for another 30–60 seconds. Do up to 7 repetitions each way and try to push the limits each time in terms of temperature. You can end on either hot or cold, as you wish.

Dry Skin Brushing
This technique supports the stimulation of the lymphatic system, in turn aiding the body to expel toxins.

Take a stiff bristle brush or loofah, and brush the entire surface of your skin daily before showering or bathing. Brush in small circles always working from the extremities in towards the heart. Finish with wide clockwise circles around the belly button.

This exercise also supports the stimulation of the lymphatic system, in turn aiding the body to expel toxins.

Jumping on the spot or using a mini rebounder or trampoline is advised for around 5-10 minutes, this stimulates the lymphatic system and moves the lymphatic fluid move around the body to be expelled via urination or perspiration.

Both infrared and heat saunas are beneficial during detoxification.

Sitting in the sauna for around 15-20 minutes has an array of health benefits, these include increasing perspiration and core body temperature, allowing toxins to be passed around the body and excreted via the skin, liver, and kidneys.
Magnesium flakes or Epsom salt baths The sulfate component of Epsom Salts aids in drawing out toxins and heavy metals from the body, therefore absorbing them is a gentle way of detoxing.

Use 2 large cups of flakes or salts and put in a hot bath, lay there for a minimum of 20 minutes to allow the magnesium to soak into the skin and reach a cellular level. Allow your body to dry naturally and lightly pat yourself to ensure that the salt has been absorbed.

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